[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Oasis sleeper 01

Oasis 3-Position Sleeper

By Stance Healthcare

Comfortable, versatile and extremely accommodating, the innovative Oasis Sleeper provides an 3-position seating/sleeping for patient rooms.

The Oasis Sleeper – which can be specified to open to the left or the right – is ideal for small spaces unable to accommodate a typical sleep surface that pulls out into the room.

The designers were mindful of the growing trend toward smaller patient rooms, and the Oasis Sleeper was designed to address this. Also in mind was the rigors of a 24/7 healthcare environment. The thick-walled tubular steel framework is extremely durable, designed to exceed the demands of the environment into which it is placed.

What’s more, the proprietary central locking system allows caregivers and housekeeping staff to operate and move the sleeper with ease.


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