[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Steelcase
All the benefits, aesthetic appeal and functionality of Leap with support for users up to 500 pounds. Leap moves with you throughout the day keeping you aligned with your work; it’s a healthier way to sit. A chair that is good for people should also be good for the environment. Every material, every stage of a Leap chair’s life, is designed to respect and nurture human and environmental health. One more reason to be comfortable with Leap.
- Leap Plus offers the same benefits, aesthetic appeal, and functionality of Leap with support for users up to 500 lbs.
- Steelcase’s #1 best-selling, ergonomic office chair featuring patented technology in the seat and back proven to increase productivity
- Leap’s LiveBack® changes shape to mimic the movement of the spine and supports your body as you move
- Natural Glide System™ technology enables you to comfortably recline while keeping your body aligned with your work so as not to strain your eyes, neck, or arms
- 4-way adjustable arms move in height, width, depth and pivot to better support the neck and shoulders
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