
We offer financing programs through Steelcase and Marlin Equipment Leasing

 Benefits of considering a financing/lease option:

  • Conserve Capital – Instead tying up funds for a capital equipment purchase or using bank loans, which usually require compensating balances and/or loan covenants, financing allows for low monthly payments.
  • Retain cash for investing in higher return opportunities. Financing may also circumvent capital budget restraints.
  • Protects Credit Lines – Financing options allow credit lines to stay open and preserve borrowing power for other opportunities.
  • Tax Benefits – Certain financing structures allow monthly payments to be treated as operating expenses and are usually tax deductible.
  • Fixed Rate Financing – The rate remains the same for the financing term.
  • Maximize Purchasing Power – Financing provides more purchasing power to acquire what is needed.
  • Increases Flexibility – Financing gives you flexible payment and end-of-term options.

 Types of leasing agreements available:

$1 Buy-Out Lease

    • Depreciation benefits and interest may be tax deductible
    • Fixed purchase price
    • End-of-term option:
      • Purchase product for $1

10% Purchase Option Lease

    • Lower payment than $1 Buy-out
    • Depreciation benefits and interest may be tax deductible
    • Provides a fixed purchase price
    • End-of-term options:
      • Purchase product for 10% of the amount financed
      • Return product to Steelcase Financial Services
      • Renew the lease

 Fair Market Value Lease (FMV)

    • Lowest payment
    • Payment may be tax deductible
    • May qualify for off-balance sheet, operating lease treatment
    • End-of-term options:
      • Purchase product for fair market value
      • Return product to Steelcase Financial Services
      • Renew the lease

 Stellcase Financing Through 12/31/24

1.9% Financing –             2 years

Must be dated no later than 12/21/24

100% Steelcase Products

5.5% perannum avvailable  for 3 – 5 years

Min finance amount $5,000

Financial Services