Steelcase Health
Separation Screens aid infection-control efforts and offer a protective barrier between those who seek help and those who stand ready.
Freestanding Screens:
- Upper Screen Panel is available in Smooth Clear Plastic or Smooth White Opaque Plastic
- Lower screen panel is available without a Screen Panel or in Smooth White Opaque Plastic
- Optional cutouts available so users can transfer documents and small items
Desktop Screens:
- Screen panel in Smooth White Opaque Plastic (24”W version only)
- Optional cutouts available so users can transfer documents and small items
Overall dimensions: 48″ W x 72″ H and 72” W x 72” H
Desktop Screens:
24”W x 30”H—42”H as an optional height
30”W x 30”H—42”H as an optional height
48”W x 30”H—42”H as an optional height
Warranty: 1 year